Good Morning Beautiful Souls,
Do you realize that you are the ONLY ONE who has Authority over YOU!? No one else has power over the choices that you make. Even when it seems you must do something to keep something, it is still a choice. What you choose to do or not do with your body, is up to only YOU.
As you let go of feeling harnessed to society and the illogical norms that exist to minimize and distract us from our Truth, you will see that you only need to please yourself. Society imposes these ideas that thin is in, that curvy is not pretty—and while you are busy distracting yourself by diets, exercise, reading books on weight loss theories—you could be working on just ACCEPTING YOURSELF! All bodies are the domaine of the inhabitant of that body.
By accepting that you just had a baby, or you are simply not built for skinny, or you are never gonna have curves…you create space to LOVE the BODY that is YOURS! Tend it well. Take care of it. Pay attention to its hurts, pains, aches—they all tell a story of misalignment. Why do I get migraines? Ask your body, listen well…Migraines may be a fear of your spiritual nature or more energy is coming into you…both can create headaches and migraines. Accept this beautiful temple we call the body!
Turn off the internal judgements and turn on the flow of LOVING ACCEPTANCE for your Temple. If the Temple is filled with low vibrational food, it will operate at a low vibration. This is your choice and perfectly acceptable. You may be attuned to your body not harmonizing with certain foods, so you avoid dairy or wheat…you are in PARTNERSHIP with this beautiful Temple and so take the steps to understand its likes and dislikes.
Do not allow the words, beliefs or ideas of others to shape how you feel about your own body. This is HUGE! Only YOU have Authority to make this happen. Love yourself in every moment. Love your body as it is. Make choices from a loving and informed space and don’t bow to fear. Don’t bow to “what ifs” because all of life is a “what if.” Choose with LOVE.
To unwind the pressures and beliefs we have been indoctrinated to follow, begin with just telling yourself that you will honor this Temple. Wash it lovingly and gratefully thank each part of it as you take a shower. “Thank you feet for carrying me all of these years, up trails, through malls, on the beach and in grass. I am grateful that you do this for me.” “Thank you stretch marks for you are a reminder of the power that I am to have brought life into existence!” “Thank you belly, for I am abundant!” Be kind, be generous and be loving of all parts of this Temple. Use healing oils and nourish your skin with massage. You know what to do from here….